Jenna Krueger, Writer
I am Jenna Krueger, a student in the VANTAGE Digital Journalism program. As a person who is eager to learn about real world applications of my education, VANTAGE has been the perfect opportunity experience true professionalism. As Communication Lead in this semester’s project, I’ve crafted professional emails, learned how to problem solve and find alternative methods of contact, and generally improved my communication skills. I’ve also worked hard on our project, and fostered a relationship with my mentor.
A runner for the past six years, perseverance is extremely important to me. I’m Captain of the Minnetonka Track & Field Team, as well as an alpine racer for both the high school team and a club team. I’m also involved in DECA, National Honors Society, and work at a local restaurant. This hard work and communication has been crucial to balancing all these activities and maintaining my relationships.